Factors influencing the adoption of e-government by female university students
The primary purpose of electronic government (e-government) is to promote transparency, facilitate access to government services, and strengthen the accountability of public institutions in the digital transformation age. However, few studies have explored th…
## Factors Influencing the Adoption of E-Government Services by Young Women**Abstract**Electronic government (e-government) promotes transparency, enhances public service access, and strengthens the accountability of public institutions in the digital era. However, few studies have explored the factors that influence women's adoption of e-government, particularly in emerging economies. This study aims to identify the factors that drive young women's adoption of e-government services in Medellín, Colombia. A survey was administered to 223 women, focusing on the factors proposed in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results confirmed the validity of both the measurement and structural models, providing evidence for their predictive power. Seven out of the eight hypotheses were confirmed, particularly highlighting the positive influence of ease of use on perceived usefulness, as well as the positive relationship between intention to use and actual use of the system. The results underscore the importance of reaching a more equitable and empowering participation of women in the digital government sphere, and provide valuable insights for formulating policies and strategies that promote the effective adoption of e-government services by the demographic group under study.**Keywords:** E-government; Young women; Technology Acceptance Model; Emerging economies; Gender equality## Introduction**1.1 The Rise of E-Government**The advent of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has revolutionized service provision in the information age. E-government, from a public value perspective, has been implemented to optimize government structures and operations on the web [1]. Sheryazdanova et al. [2] define e-government as a new paradigm in public administration aimed at replacing the traditional bureaucratic model and providing one-stop electronic services, with the objective being to make government services more accessible, mobile, and transparent.**1.2 E-Government Adoption**ICTs have been implemented to deliver public administration services at the local, municipal, and national levels. They provide communication channels and management platforms for government agencies, businesses, and citizens, enabling them to interact individually or collectively. As a result, these online services have particularly benefited citizens [3].**1.3 Research on E-Government Adoption**Research on e-government has increased over the last two years with a focus on two main approaches: information systems and public administration [4]. Another relevant approach is the study of e-government adoption through the application of behavioral models and theories to understand the influencing factors and the effect of transparency on such adoption [5].**1.4 Factors Influencing E-Government Adoption by Women**Some studies argue that one of the primary objectives of e-government is to foster transparency and civic accountability in the digital transformation age. To ensure a successful transition to e-government, it is crucial to address the various concerns that arise with these services. For example, regarding access to ICTs for certain segments of the population, numerous studies have analyzed the digital divide, which refers to the disparity in citizens' access to and skills in using these technologies [6]. Many e-government websites require improved accessibility, especially in developing countries. Therefore, efforts should be made to empower citizens of all cognitive, visual, and hearing abilities to use these e-services effectively [7].Other studies have examined disparities in e-government adoption based on demographic factors, such as age, gender, digital literacy, and educational level [8]. However, this approach requires further exploration from the perspective of specific populations. In the context of emerging economies in Latin America, only a few studies have been conducted [9]. Some of the major problems identified in these populations are related to accessibility, citizens' attention to government actions, and privacy and confidentiality—aspects that governments must consider during implementation as they influence the adoption of these technologies by citizens [7].Research on the adoption of e-government is essential because electronic government services have demonstrated the potential to improve access to public services [7], encourage citizen participation [10], and reduce bureaucratic barriers [11], even in vulnerable populations such as women [12]. In this sense, expanding the existing knowledge on this research area is crucial in order to identify factors that influence women's participation in these systems [13] and to propose solutions that foster equitable inclusion [14]. Thus, promoting women's access to e-government services can support women's empowerment in society, economic empowerment [15], and contribute to closing the existing gender gaps in the adoption of these services and in the digital inclusion of women in emerging economies.The research gap of this study lies in the scarcity of studies that address e-government services adoption in emerging economies, particularly from the perspective of young women. This study aims to contribute to filling this gap by identifying the factors that influence young women's adoption of e-government services in Medellín, Colombia, where technological and social limitations are usually more evident in vulnerable populations [16]. The study intends to offer an analysis that enriches the existing scientific knowledge on the implementation of e-government in an emerging economy, providing specific data on women in this context. Actual use and intention to use are included simultaneously, from theory to practice, to obtain a comprehensive view, with intention to use revealing future motivations while actual use allows for an assessment of the barriers and facilitators that women face when interacting with these services currently.For this study we selected variables (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude, and subjective norm) based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which has proven effective in predicting technology adoption in various contexts. These variables allow capturing both the perception of e-government functionality and simplicity, as well as the influence of personal attitude and social pressure. In this sense, a theoretical framework section is presented to support the conceptual model. Subsequently, the methodology is presented, explaining how the data collection instrument was constructed and the sociodemographic information of the population is presented. The results are then presented based on a Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). Finally, the discussion of the results and conclusions are presented.## Theoretical Framework**2.1 E-Government Adoption Models**The literature emphasizes the importance of identifying and examining the factors that influence human behavior [17]. Several studies have proposed e-government adoption models based on theories and approaches widely discussed in the literature. A recent comprehensive study analyzed 25 different factors related to mobile government adoption to develop a unified model [18]. Similarly, other studies have addressed the use of open government data by citizens and the factors that impact its continuity. The findings are highly useful for policymakers and open government data providers to design or adjust user retention strategies [19].Studies on e-government adoption have also been conducted in developed countries, such as Saudi Arabia [20]. These studies start from the assumption that e-government can fight corruption. For instance, Park and Kim [21] conducted an empirical study to determine whether e-government contributes to reducing corruption in countries. Their results revealed that it depends on the effectiveness of the legal systems. However, they observed that data-driven open government does not have a direct impact on minimizing corruption.Developed nations such as China face a major challenge: the low interest of citizens in continuously using e-government. In this regard, Li and Shang [22] performed a thorough analysis of various factors that could shed light on citizens' intention to make continuous use of this service in the country. Other studies have focused on the multidimensional features that enable government websites to support democratic processes [23]. Consequently, identifying and studying these factors is critical because they influence citizens' willingness and acceptance of e-government services [24].**2.1.1 E-Government Definition**According to Almarabeh and AbuAli [25] e-government is defined as the use of ICTs by government authorities to offer citizens and businesses the opportunity to interact and conduct transactions with the government. The use of various electronic media, including mobile devices, is part of this process. The emergence of e-government is attributed to the phenomena of globalization, the advent of ICTs, and the introduction of reforms into public administration systems. Its purpose is to make government information and services available online, allowing people to access important resources anytime, anywhere, at a fixed and low cost, and in a simpler way, faster, and more convenient manner [26].The objectives of e-government have been defined within five domains: 1) Policy framework, 2) Enhanced public services, 3) High-quality and cost-effective government operations, 4) Citizen engagement in democratic processes, and 5) Administrative and institutional reform [27, 28]. By adopting e-government, governments create new public value through technological innovation. Additionally, following Santa et al. [29], it also considers accountability, transparency, interactivity, participation, and cost-effectiveness.Meijer and Bekkers [30] define e-government as a set of techniques that aid in driving public sector modernization. In practical terms, e-government refers to the use of ICTs to design new or redesign existing information processing and communication routes in the government. Its goal is to improve service provision, governance in terms of electronic services to businesses and citizens, and enhanced management efficiency while promoting democratic values and mechanisms. Thus, the transformation of digital government is framed within the scope of e-government as an indicator of innovation in the public administration of nations to provide public services to citizens [31].**2.1.2 Research Model and Hypotheses**The TAM developed by Davis [32] has been used in literature to explain e-government adoption among women. This model, which is derived from the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), has been proven useful in predicting user behavior when interacting with new technologies. Particularly, Mensah [17] used this model to analyze the influence of government capacity and e-government performance on the adoption of online government services. Similarly, Nofal et al.